Home    Company News    As long as you get some of the foreign drawings, you can reach or approach the advanced level of foreign countries by integrating resources in a centralized manner. Is this statement true?

As long as you get some of the foreign drawings, you can reach or approach the advanced level of foreign countries by integrating resources in a centralized manner. Is this statement true?

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The technical confidentiality of foreign companies in the white carbon black project is quite high. Only 2 to 3 people in their company can master the core technology, and other personnel have no chance to contact. This is why they have been monopolizing the world for so many years. There are examples in this regard in China: some of the drawings obtained by other channels are used for the so-called “cottage copying”. The result is that they do not achieve the results they expect, and they risk the infringement of intellectual property rights.

Any advanced technology is a complete system and standard. The best technology is also realized through sophisticated core equipment. The selection of core equipment must be based on rigorous theoretical analysis and evaluation, and after repeated years of production practice experience. Come, the two are indispensable.

It can be achieved not by copying the drawings, let alone the authenticity of the drawings cannot be verified.

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