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The role of hydrophobic silica in paints

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Hydrophobic silica mainly plays a role in thickening, improving covering properties and touch feel in paint, making paint application more convenient and smooth.

In addition, because hydrophobic silica is hydrophobic, it can also improve the water resistance and waterproof properties of paints. The surface tension in water is large, so hydrophobic silica can give the paint good waterproof function. At the same time, its addition can also improve the gloss and adhesion of the paint, further enhancing the overall performance of the paint.

In general, the application of hydrophobic silica in paints can significantly improve the performance and quality of paints and meet the needs of various usage scenarios. However, please note that in actual applications, the type and amount of hydrophobic silica should be reasonably selected according to the specific type of paint and the use environment to achieve the best results.

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