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White carbon black should be familiar to everyone

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White carbon black should be familiar to everyone. Now it is very popular. Do you know that there is another one called carbon black? Although there is only one word difference, they are not the same. Today, we will tell you the difference between white carbon black and carbon black and whether they can be replaced.

In fact, white carbon black and carbon black are completely two substances. Some aspects can be replaced. Carbon black is a black powdery substance formed by incomplete combustion or pyrolysis of hydrocarbons in the gas phase under strictly controlled process conditions. White carbon black is the general name of white powdery X-ray amorphous silicic acid and silicate products, mainly referring to precipitated silica, fumed silica, ultrafine silica gel and aeronenenebb gel, and also including powdery synthetic aluminum silicate and calcium silicate. White carbon black is a porous material, and its composition can be represented by SiO2 · nH2O, where nH2O exists in the form of surface hydroxyl groups. Soluble in caustic soda and hydrofluoric acid, insoluble in water, solvents and acids (except hydrofluoric acid). It is high-temperature resistant, nonflammable, tasteless, odorless and has good electrical insulation. White carbon black is used in colored rubber products to replace carbon black for reinforcement and meet the needs of white or translucent products. White carbon black has super adhesion, tear resistance, heat resistance and aging resistance at the same time, so it can also replace part of carbon black in black rubber products to obtain high-quality rubber products, such as off-road tires, engineering tires and radial tires.

Now you should know the difference between white carbon black and carbon black. We will release more information in the future. Welcome to come.

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