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Structuring and thixotropic effects of silica on silicone rubber

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Structuring and thixotropic effects of silica on silicone rubber

Double click automatic scrolling Release time: January 16, 2018 Reading: 2650 times [Font: large, medium, small]

The structure of silicone rubber is a common issue. Foreign organic silicon giants already have good solutions for their products, while domestic manufacturers not only lack basic research, but also because their concepts are different from those of other giants, they always hope to create a "divine oil" that can be easily, conveniently, and low-cost solved by adding a little bit.

I have also thought about developing an effective additive myself, hoping to solve this problem and make some quick money by selling additives. Therefore, in 2010, I posted a help post on the forum: How to quickly test the structure of mixed rubber? Received enthusiastic help from many friends. Later on, it was discovered that many people have a structured rapid testing requirement for silicone rubber.

After some effort, so far no so-called "divine oil" has been found. Subsequently, I shifted my attention to the treatment of white carbon black. As a result, a deeper understanding of the structural phenomenon of silicone rubber has been gained.

I believe that the structure of silicone rubber caused by silica is mainly based on the massive hydrogen bonding between silica and high molecular weight polysiloxanes. This conclusion has long been reached, and I only added two words "massive".

The contribution of silica to the thixotropy of silicone rubber (including coating system in coating) is mainly based on the interaction between silica and silica.

So, the problem was simplified:

Structured: The interaction between white carbon black and silicone rubber (massive hydrogen bonding), and the entanglement of polysiloxane polymer chains are the combined results of these two effects

Thixotropy: white carbon black ----- effect between white carbon black, hydrogen bond, and van der Waals force

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