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What is silicone resin?

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Silicone resin and modified silicone resin products are widely used in national defense industry, electrical industry, leather industry, light industrial products, rubber and plastics, food hygiene and other industries, playing an irreplaceable role because of their excellent thermal oxidation stability, electrical insulation, weather resistance, waterproof, salt spray, mildew resistance, biocompatibility and other characteristics. The silicone industry in China has made great progress in material properties, mechanism and application since the early 1950s. Compared with advanced countries, China has a relatively small gap in technology, but a relatively large gap in application. With the increasing demand for high temperature resistant materials, silicone polymers, as a kind of materials with outstanding characteristics, can be modified and matched with organic resins and inorganic materials to achieve the integration of structure and function, and have a wide application prospect in high-tech industries and cutting-edge fields.

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